Gender Equality - The Time Has Come by Corinna Lim
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Hardcover -
$45 exclusive of shipping & GST
Softcover -
$25 exclusive of shipping & GST
Lecture I: Herstory: The Road to Equality
Lecture II: The Caring Economy
Lecture III: Reset: Men, Women, Violence
Did you miss AWARE Executive Director Corinna Lim's three IPS-Nathan Lectures in 2021? You can now buy them in book form here!
In her lectures, Corinna examines pressing concerns facing women in Singapore: Why has gender equality in the workplace and home seemed to stall, despite a promising start in the 1960s? How do we increase support for family caregivers, tackle harmful masculine norms in society, and bring more comprehensive sex education into Singaporean schools?
Corinna Lim was the Institute of Policy Studies' 8th S R Nathan Fellow for the Study of Singapore. This book is an edited collection of her three IPS-Nathan Lectures, delivered in April and May 2021, and includes highlights of her question-and-answer segments with our virtual audience.
The IPS-Nathan Lecture series was launched in 2014 as part of the S R Nathan Fellowship for the Study of Singapore. It seeks to advance public understanding and discussion of issues of critical national interest for Singapore.